May seems to be a very hot month for conferences, we will visit a few ourselves! Still, we couldn’t miss Geospatial World Forum, also known as GWF. This conference happens in Amsterdam and gathers over 1500 people.
Sandro Batista speaking at Geospatial World Forum 2022
Our Managing Partner, Sandro Batista, was invited to participate in a panel about “enabling connected city infrastructure” led by Carla Lauter from Geo Week News on May 11th. Sandro also did a presentation about Mapify, our no-code location intelligence product.
Sandro Batista presenting Mapify
For us, GWF was a great opportunity to speak to an international crowd and meet very interesting people in the geospatial field, which is hungry for innovation!
If you wish to know more about Mapify, visit our website or book a meeting with Sandro, so he can walk you through our solution.